Twin Billboard at East side of Clark St. at Sheffield Ave.
LOCATION 9 & 10: These billboards are located in Wrigleyville a few blocks from Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball Team. This popular neighborhood is densely populated with very upscale young urban professionals. Entertainment in the area also includes numerous restaurants, clubs and bars. Download Contact Sheet
East side of Clark St. at Sheffield Ave.
West side of Clark St. at Sheffield Ave.
SIZE: 27.4' x 25'2'
ILLUMINATED: Dusk to Midnight
LATITUDE: 09: 41.94716, 10: 41.94516
LONGITUDE: 09: -87.6539, 10: -87.65439
TAB ID: 09: 30441530, 10: 30441514
EOI-18+: 09: 62,204, 10: 57,681
EOI-18+/MO: 09: 248,816, 10: 230,724
DEC: 09: 41,500, 10: 28,000